Get it Together

Today is a "get things back together" day. These happen after long absences or vacations. After time spent in other wolds that are not the real one. It is important that those times exist, that those worlds are visited. But it is also important to spend time in the real world. Not that the real world isn't there all the time, it is. I'm talking the work week monotony. The same thing day after day. Interacting with other people on a schedule, making appointments, dealing with issues. Vacations are wonderful, but the days eventually get hard to fill. There are only so many guilt free unstructured days off before I start feeling bad. Job aside, it is nice to be doing work during the times other people are doing work. I feel connected to the working populous. There must be balance in all things and there is no time off without time on. So I'll get back to work, and try to leverage the excitement for the mundane into some great work accomplishments. But I will carry my time away with me, like a half remembered dream. Now it is time to wake up, and join in the dance of the everyday. I will start it with a walk, putting the week on the right foot. I will give routine a hug, for I have missed it so.