People Are Fascinating
People are fascinating. There are just so many of us! Literally billions. While common experiences abound, each one of those lives is unique. While the circumstances of each life is wildly different, each one is as valid as the next. I often think about beautiful people, and …
Dread & Satisfaction
There are few things as satisfying as doing something that you have been dreading. I spend a lot of time avoiding things, so I build up a lot of stress putting things off. I imagine there are people in the world that are riding high all the time by just constantly doing things …
Get it Together
Today is a "get things back together" day. These happen after long absences or vacations. After time spent in other wolds that are not the real one. It is important that those times exist, that those worlds are visited. But it is also important to spend time in the …
Fighting Fear
I've been trying to fight fear for years, and I will likely keep up that fight until I die. Fear can be healthy and even often helpful, but more often it is just an impediment. A number of years ago, I picked up 3 old PCs from a local recycling/refurbishing organization. At the…
First Post
First post. It is a little daunting to write the first post. To do the first of anything, really. You never get a second chance for a first impression, after all. So much pressure setting precedent. That is just a worry I have, it stops me from starting a lot of things. But…